Towards a national strategy for digital pathology in Switzerland
Precision medicine is entering a new era of digital diagnostics; the availability of integrated digital pathology (DP) and structured clinical datasets has the potential to become a key catalyst for biomedical research, education and business development. In Europe, national programs for sharing of this data will be crucial for the development, testing, and validation of machine learning-enabled tools supporting clinical decision-making. Here, the Swiss Digital Pathology Consortium (SDiPath) discusses the creation of a Swiss Digital Pathology Infrastructure (SDPI), which aims to develop a unified national DP network bringing together the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) with Swiss university hospitals and subsequent inclusion of cantonal and private institutions.

Swiss digital pathology recommendations: results from a Delphi process conducted by the Swiss Digital Pathology Consortium of the Swiss Society of Pathology
Integration of digital pathology (DP) into clinical diagnostic workflows is increasingly receiving attention as new hardware and software become available. To facilitate the adoption of DP, the Swiss Digital Pathology Consortium (SDiPath) organized a Delphi process to produce a series of recommendations for DP integration within Swiss clinical environments.
ORD Task Force Health and Life Science Data Report Second version - July 2024
In response to the State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation's (SERI) mandate, the Swiss National Open Research Data (ORD) Strategy was initiated in July 2021 by the four national education, research, and innovation (ERI) actors in Switzerland. The Strategy aims to guide the development of the research data ecosystem, with the StraCo leading the effort through its Blueprint Process. The Blueprint Process identifies disciplinary clusters within the ORD ecosystem that require concrete action, with the health and life sciences (HLS) cluster prioritized due to its highly fragmented nature and urgent need for coordination. The Task Force Health and Life Sciences (TF) was appointed to conduct a comprehensive analysis, building on previous efforts but distinguishing itself through a unique methodology